Soul Care Ministries
October 4-6
Annual Worship & Ministry Retreat
Registration $50.00
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HOST Location: Citadel of Faith
108 Salem St., Thomasville, NC
Bishop Dr. Angela Page
Soul Care Ministries Founder-Ministry Leader
refreshing the thirsty soul
Established 2002
More than anything, Soul Care Ministries is a place for respite, a place where people are encouraged to slow down, to sit down, to settle down, to quiet the soul. In a world of distractions, we all need such a place. Sometimes people find that they are too broken, too afraid, too angry, or have been too obscured from the knowledge or belief that they can be free from oppression, bondage, and fear. Soul Care Ministries is one of God's tools for teaching and ministering to people through pain and discomfort toward healing and peace.
Meet With Bishop Page
Meet With Bishop Page
to Schedule Appointments for Ministry Sessions, Biblical Counseling & prayer. SEE POLIcy below!!!
Cash App
Due to the demand for personalized ministry sessions and preparation, please be advised of our new policy. DONATIONS are EXPECTED for extensive, extended, and additional sessions to support the continued work of ministry. Initial 30-minute consultations are provided as schedules are available to discuss other commitment requirements to proceed. This does not apply to prayer or general pastoral counseling for Soul Care members. Financial support is essential to the on-going work of all ministries and we appreciate your support.
Annual Worship Retreat
Stay&Pray Facilitators
Stay&Pray Band & Worship Ministry
Stay&Pray Band & Worship Ministry
Founder & Ministry Leader
Stay&Pray Visionary
Guest Psalmist
October 4-6
October 4-6
Soul Care Ministries' Three-fold Ministry Focus
Caring for souls through the ministry of Jesus Christ
Worship & fellowship
Teaching & Learning
Inner-healing & Retreat
We will receive goods in the form of toiletries, modest clothing items purchased, unopened. We donate year-round and seasonally for school start, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We appreciate your donations.
Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrush, hand wipes, toilet wipes, hand sanitizer, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, soap, etc.
NEW Clothing Items ONLY!!! ANY Clothing items must be NEW!!! Packs/packaged items, e.g. socks, t-shirts (outer or under), underwear bottoms (NO bras), sweatpants, jeans, winter hats, scarves, gloves, etc.
PayPal|Venmo|Credit Card
Other: small toys, games, puzzles
Bishop Dr. Angela Bailey Page
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2
“The Lord God has given Me
The tongue of the learned,
That I should know how to speak
A word in season to him who is weary.
He awakens Me morning by morning,
He awakens My ear
To hear as the learned.
Isaiah 50:4
Schedule a session/appt to Meet With Bishop Page
Schedule a session/appt to Meet With Bishop Page
Ministry is both a calling and a passion. It is one of the great joys of my life. In fact, I have been serving in ministry since teaching Sunday School as a teenager. I love God, family, teaching, coaching, and encouraging. I also enjoy, organizing, and creating peaceful spaces, personalized greetings & gifts, coloring and other creative endeavors.
I sincerely believe that to care for the soul is to improve the quality of one's spiritual and natural life. Soul Care was born in 2002 out of this belief and my own desperate need to be free from oppression and bondage. It is the work and purpose of my life! My husband Doug & I reside and minister from our home in the Greensboro, North Carolina area. We are working fervently to build our vision for Soul Care Ministries to operate and function as a home, family, & ministry retreat so that we might host and serve those who desire privacy, intimacy, and confidentiality for retreating, meeting, learning, and healing.